Mirror Mirror Imagination Group

branding & marketing
 strategic positioning
 image building
 marketing plans
 advertising campaigns
 graphic design
 web & cd rom design
 public relations
 special events
 guest speaking

product development
 creative concepts
 product naming
 logo design
 package design
  & shade development
 product manufacturing

      Crystal Ball Trend Reports Group

trend tracking and reporting
 customized trend reports
 trend report subscriptions
 trend consulting packages
 trend intelligence & ideas
 trend ideation sessions & workshops
 trend surveillance & navigation tours
 trend presentations
 color forecasting
 fashion show trend coverage
 global street trend photos & reports


Main Menu... our philosophy... what is beauty & lifestyle futurology?... about jeanine recckio... our services
creative product development... r & d and manufacturing... our press... client portfolio
our design team... trend forecasting reports... our trend forecasting tours... our trend offices
our trend boutiques... our trend newsletter & blog... speaking engagements, events & charities... Mirror Mirror Beauty Products

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