I’m super excited (an honored) to be guest speaking at the Michele Farmer Style Series in Palm Beach!

Jeanine Recckio to speak at Michelle Farmer’s Style Series in Palm Beach, FL
The event’s focus is all about Beach Bridal beauty trends & the trend setters at the event include stylist and fashion editor Katherine Lande, the fabulous “Gaga” Jeff Fowler from the Breakers … and beauty expert extraordinaire Deborah Koepper … the yummies are from Christina’s catering!
Of course, I can’t wait to talk with Palm Beach’s top catering, fashion, & beauty experts to chat about the future of the industry, cosmetics, marketing, branding, and all things design and lifestyle … it’s going to be fantastic!
Michele Farmer’s boutique is beyond chic and full of the most incredible global fashions. Can’t wait to shop her boutique in Bridgehampton this summer, too!
Jeanine Recckio is the founder, marketing leader, futorlogist and lifestyle trend forecaster for New York’s premier beauty branding agency—Mirror Mirror Inc.